Here are some fireworks:

Yeah pretty explosions in the sky. Oh I have some video too.
On the actual fourth of July I just watched movies with my friend. I'll review those tomorrow, I don't feel like making a long post right now.
It's super duper hot here today. I spent all day laying next to the window reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I literally almost read the whole book in one sitting.
Last comic standing was very disappointing today. Nobody was very funny and my favorite girl, Carmen Lynch didn't make it to the finals.
I think the judges are really stupid. I just think they all have terrible taste in comics, but everyone has different taste I guess. Plus they wouldn't be hosting the show if their careers were super successful, I'm just sayin'. They can just be very pretentious and act like they're the comic gods of the world. Today's episode pissed me off.
Tomorrow Pretty Little Liars is on, SO PUMPED. Now I'm kinda just rambling because I'm waiting for the fireworks video to upload. I need to get a new fish, my fish died and my tank is so lonely now. Trip to Walmart coming up, CYEAH.
Video is done, yay!