Monday, June 28, 2010

I just watched Remember Me. I'm not a Twilight fan and am not like OMGZ RoB PaTtZ sO hAwTtT or anything. But I actually enjoyed this movie. I haven't seen Ryan Pattinson in anything besides Harry Potter and Twilight (I've only seen the first one, and against my will) and I am still unsure of his acting ability. I kinda felt like in this film he was suppose to be this super charming guy, since their relationship took off so fast, and I didn't think he came off as charming at all. I don't know if it was bad acting or bad dialogue. I'll have to see something else with him to make an official decision. I did however love Emily De Ravin. I don't watch Lost and had no idea who she was until the trailer for this film. Her character was very charming and relatable and I thought she did a stellar job.

So I guess I shouldn't spoil this movie without a warning. (More at the end)
********SPOILER BELOW DUDE***********

So I went into this knowing how it ended and I was torn on what I thought about the whole 9/11 thing. I ended up really liking it. From what I had read I thought that it was just going to end as soon as you realized that he was in the World Trade Building but I think the way they showed everyone immediately after, and then some time after was really effective. I thought that the message was very strong and just sad. I think we often forget about 9/11 because it's almost been 10 years since it's happened, which is so hard to believe. But I think the message that really hit me was how your life could be completely normal or crazy or anything but no matter what it could end at any moment. I guess that doesn't just apply to 9/11 but anything and any moment in life.

*********END SPOILER********************

So yeah overall very good film. I even laughed a lot during it (and I think some of it was even from the actual movie, not the Edward Cullen jokes my friends were making.)

So I'm watching Last Comic Standing right now, as I type.
I just wanna post about how much I LOVE this one dude Myq Kaplan. So you should go check him out.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We Live in Public

So I watched a documentary film today called We Live in Public
It was directed by Ondi Timoner, who also directed Dig! which is one of my favorite documentaries. I thought the film was very engaging and somewhat terrifying. The subject of the film was John Harris, a dot com millionaire from the early 1990's. He streamlined a bunch of ideas that are currently being used in today's technology such as video blogs, online television and an early idea of reality tv shows like The Real World with constant surveillance.

I usually enjoy documentary films that are focused on one character, but I was worried that he might be a dull. I realized I was clearly wrong very early on into the film. Timoner is fantastic at finding characters that people enjoy watching crash, as she also did in Dig!. Although Harris' ideas were revolutionary and really did change the world he produced them before the world was ready and simultaneously drove himself insane.

So the reason I found this film terrifying is because the things that Harris thought up exist on a normal basis in today's world. People are dependent on technology and are looking for anyway to put themselves out there (such as blogging!). I've always loved technology and the power it has to bring people together but I don't want what happened to Harris to become normal. He was so obsessed with his world in technology that he completely destroyed every real life relationship he had. I don't want the world to come to online relationships with no personal contact.

Hopefully Harris was just mentally unstable and that is what led to his downfall. Hopefully the majority of the world will not end up like him. Although he has created a new life living in Ethiopia free of technology. I hope we can live in a world where we can benefit from technology but not lose our real lives in the process.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sleeping pills!

I took my sleeping pills early tonight. The way they seem to work the best is for me to go online after taking them and do random things (probably embarrassing since my brain isn't completely working) and then by the time I'm done with that I'm exhausted.

I made this today,

Didn't remember any of this in the morning.

Yum Breakfast

My puppy Sophia certainty wanted some.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm trying to blog again

It's just so difficult for me. Oh my god I can't believe how long I've been away from school. I could've set that up for a that's what she said joke by saying "so hard for me", but I didn't. This is a major change. I'm not sure how it feels(that's what she said?)

Anyways, summer TV sucks.

I'm watching Secret Life of the American Teenager, which can again appropriately be called "Preggers Show". And Pretty Little Liars. These shows are purely for lulz, please do not judge me.

In reality tv we've got Last Comic Standing and So You Think You Can Dance. I will probably only watch these two until my favorites get voted off though. But tonight Last Comic standing was great. I really loved Rob O'Rielly, ( Kaplan, ( and Carmen Lynch (

Besides those shows, I'm probably not gonna pick up anything else. I've been watching reruns of boy meets world, I'll probably run through all the episodes of the office sometime this summer and I was thinking about watching pushing daisies or arrested development.

I also plan to read the harry potter series from SS-DH before the first Deathly Hallows movie in November. I WANT TO GO TO THE FRICKIN THEME PARK MORE THAN I WANT TO DO ANYTHING ELSE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.

I'm still jobless at home and kinda just want school to start again. Or for hogwarts to be real. I may work on my website that no one will ever see ( out of pure boredom. k longest blog that no one will ever read!

hasta pasta.